About the book
The story follows two students who are studying archaeology in college, who mysteriously become trapped in a cave and inexplicably find themselves lost in another world, terribly different from earth which unaccountably reveals strange events. Filled with shock and surprise, they see two moons in the night sky, strange animals unknown to them, and a small airplane in the sky, which makes no sense. Antoine has a strong sense of ESP, which has always caused him more distress than peace, and is confused by the cascade of emotions he endures. They decide that they have to travel in an attempt to reach home again.
Antoine and Skylar meet a young, very human looking native who befriends them and helps them survive in this primitive world. As they grow to trust each other, they discover that Buji is the subject of a prophecy which involves them all. Antoine, or Twann, as he is identified in the prophecy, learns that Buji is supposed to have “a son of his own, and not of his own”, which they do not fully understand. The three of them are adopted by a tribe called the Mishoni, led by Olde Emus. Eventually, they learn to speak their language and live happily among the natives. When they first arrive in the village, a proud member of the tribe, Rikker, is immediately attracted to Skylar, and wants to take her as his own, which causes many problems for Antoine and Skylar. As time passes, Antoine and Skylar fall in love and a child is conceived.
Antoine and Skylar discover that the tribe is spiritual and eagerly teach them about their religion. The three of them make friends and learn how to be integrated into their society. They become separated because of the tribe’s rituals and requirements when Antoine and Buji have to accompany a hunting party to supplement the tribe’s supplies in a distant territory. While they are gone, Teeta and Skylar become fast friends, and frequently search for food in the surrounding countryside. Upon one of their excursions they secretly encounter a Nazi who leaves behind a handgun, which Skylar recognizes and retrieves. After a lengthy, dangerous separation for Skylar, Antoine, and Buji, they are reunited in the village. Antoine, though, is near death, and Skylar helps in his care. Recovery continues until Antoine and Skylar, and their friends, Teeta and Shen, decide to marry in a beautiful double ceremony in the village. Soon, the tribe must make a long pilgrimage to a more hospitable location. The handgun, which was hidden by Skylar, plays a pivotal part in the lives of Skylar and Antoine, as the tale unfolds and fulfills the prophecy which reveals their destiny delivered.
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