

Have you ever considered your book to be adapted into a Movie or Television series?
Let’s start the discussion with the question
WHY do you need an agency to represent you?

Back in the mid-1980s, the movie business was booming, and studios were hungry for new stories. The MAJOR STUDIOS purchased hundreds of millions of dollars worth of scripts from relatively unknown writers. Soon, the Major Hollywood Motion Picture Production Studios began to receive more finished scripts than their development executives could read. MOST of them weren’t quality enough and just went to waste. So, they implemented the filter system of agencies.

To this day, Major Hollywood Movie Studios receive hundreds if not thousands of scripts every week from all over the world. Studio readers will toss most of these into the recycle bin before they even read PAGE ONE because they are not solicited from an agency. About 50 get read to the end. Generally, only 5 per week get recommended for reading by a person who can authorize a purchase because only 5 of the 50 good ones ARE WHAT THE STUDIO IS SEEKING AT THAT MOMENT. An average of 2 get purchased every year.

The probability of a new writer selling a story/screenplay to a Major Studio by blind submission is nearly 0%. That’s how tough the competition is. Thus, we play with politics. With no connection in the film industry, it will be hard for independent authors to have their stories accepted by even the gatekeepers of those production firms.
There are two ways to pitch your book to Hollywood: the verbal pitch and the written pitch, but unless you’re a working screenwriter or pay the high fees and travel costs associated with live pitch events, you might not get the chance to pitch your scripts to Hollywood professionals in person. No big deal though, as these days, most Hollywood Pros prefer the luxury of reading pitches rather than hearing them anyway! This is because as a buyer, it’s nice to have something to look at, refer back to, and confer with others on. And that’s why we established Hollywood Outreach, where you can pitch to Industry Pros online with the assurance of a guaranteed response back!
Assuming you’re ready to pitch – congrats! Now it’s time to find out what companies are best suited for your material by researching their recent credits and current needs. We can help make your book available to agents, TV & Movie Producers, Directors, and actors through our Book to TV/Film Adaptation Service. If you’re determined to turn your book into a movie or television series, a movie agent is needed to make direct connections to production companies for producing deals. A movie pitch is a fully fleshed-out presentation that television and movie producers can use as a means of evaluating if an adaptation of your book is something they want to produce. With a professional movie agent representing your book, you will let TV & Movie industry professionals know you’re serious about breaking into the entertainment business.

It’s no secret that Hollywood is desperate for brilliant ideas. Nothing gets producers and Hollywood executives more excited than seeing the next great idea that can be turned into a Hollywood movie or TV show. That’s where we come in. We can help you get your book a notch higher and put your one foot on the door to fame.

We help you pitch your movie ideas directly to Producers and Movie Companies!

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