Living in Peace while Living in Pieces

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Michael J. Washington is a U.S. Navy veteran. His major studies include Meteorology at City College of NY and University of Wisconsin, and Geology at York College of CUNY. As a Meteorologist, he worked thirty-two years for the federal government before retiring. During this tenure, Mike acquired a working knowledge in human resources, workforce planning, writing skills in job performance management, and facilitation. This is Mr. Washington’s first book. He lives in Bowie, Maryland with his wife, Glenda Washington. They have three daughters and three grandchildren.

In this memoir, Michael Washington shares what he’d learned about moving past mistakes to live a life of contentment. Join him as you seek your own place of fulfillment no matter what troubles you’re facing.

A plainspoken memoir by an American ex-soldier, meteorologist, father, and recovering addict who overcomes challenges and gains insights while on a quest to find inner peace.

– Kirkus


One of the greatest assets of this memoir is Washington’s transparency.
Christians, addicts, and the African-American community especially will appreciate this unfiltered look at life, forgiveness, perseverance and faith.

– BlueInk


The book is a mixture of autobiography and self-help, and is entertaining and inspiring throughout.
In this strong work about conquering substance abuse and other life challenges, Washington shows how peace can come even through difficult situations.

– Foreword-Clarion